How to Navigate Tmux: A Guide to Scrolling Up

How to Navigate Tmux: A Guide to Scrolling Up

Tmux, the terminal multiplexer, offers a plethora of features to enhance your productivity while working in a terminal environment. Among these features, the ability to scroll up and review previous output is essential for efficient navigation and troubleshooting. In this post, we will explore various methods to scroll up within Tmux, empowering you to effortlessly explore past terminal content.

Method 1: Tmux Scroll Mode

Tmux provides a built-in scroll mode that enables you to scroll through terminal output using keyboard shortcuts. Here’s how you can utilize this feature:

  • Activate Scroll Mode: To enter scroll mode, press Ctrl+b (or your configured prefix key) followed by [. You will notice that your terminal session appears in a different mode.
  • Navigate the Scrollback Buffer:
    • Use the arrow keys or Ctrl+b with n or p to move up or down one line at a time.
    • Press Ctrl+u or Ctrl+d to scroll up or down by half a page.
    • Employ Ctrl+b with f or b to scroll to the next or previous full page.
  • Exit Scroll Mode: To exit scroll mode and return to the regular Tmux session, press q.

Method 2: Enabling Mouse Support

Tmux also supports mouse interaction, allowing you to scroll up using your mouse wheel. Follow these steps to enable mouse support:

  • Open the Tmux Configuration File: Launch a terminal and execute the command vim ~/.tmux.conf to open the Tmux configuration file in the Vim editor. If the file doesn’t exist, create it.
  • Enable Mouse Support: Add the following line to your configuration file:
set-option -g mouse on
  • Save and Exit the Configuration File: Press Esc, type :wq, and hit Enter to save the changes and exit Vim.
  • Reload the Tmux Configuration: Refresh the Tmux configuration by running the command tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf.
  • Scrolling with the Mouse Wheel: Position the cursor at the desired location within the terminal and employ the mouse wheel to scroll up or down.

Method 3: Custom Key Bindings

You can create personalized key bindings to scroll up or down within Tmux. This method offers quick and convenient scrolling without entering scroll mode. Follow these steps to set up custom key bindings:

  • Open the Tmux Configuration File: Launch a terminal and execute the command vim ~/.tmux.conf to open the Tmux configuration file.
  • Define Key Bindings: Add the following lines to your configuration file:
bind-key -n C-y copy-mode -u
bind-key -T copy-mode-vi C-y send-keys -X halfpage-up
bind-key -T copy-mode-vi C-e send-keys -X halfpage-down
  • Save and Exit the Configuration File: Press Esc, type :wq, and hit Enter to save the changes and exit Vim.
  • Reload the Tmux Configuration: Refresh the Tmux configuration by running the command tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf.
  • Utilize the Custom Key Bindings:
    • Press Ctrl+y to enter copy mode.
    • Use Ctrl+y followed by Ctrl+y to scroll up by half a page.
    • Use Ctrl+y followed by Ctrl+e to scroll down by half a page.
  • Exit Copy Mode: To exit copy mode, press q.

Method 4: Utilizing External Tools

If you prefer using external tools for scrolling within Tmux, you can leverage command-line utilities such as less or tmux-scroll. Here’s an example using less:

  • Pipe Tmux Output to less: Append | less to the command you use to run your desired program within Tmux. For example:
my-program | less
  • Scroll within less: Once your output is piped to less, you can use less‘s built-in scrolling capabilities. Use the arrow keys, Page Up, and Page Down keys to navigate through the content. Press q to exit less and return to Tmux.


Efficiently scrolling up within Tmux is vital for reviewing past output and navigating lengthy terminal sessions. By utilizing the built-in scroll mode, enabling mouse support, setting custom key bindings, or employing external tools like less, you can effortlessly navigate through terminal content and enhance your productivity within Tmux. Experiment with these methods to find the approach that best suits your workflow and preferences.
